Measure Progress

Saturday, February 1, 2025

At the start of the year, I set ambitious goals—what I called 25 in 2025. I’ve learned from experience that setting goals alone isn’t enough. The real key to success lies in consistent reflection and course correction. That’s why I commit to these monthly and quarterly reviews, ensuring that I stay accountable and make adjustments as needed.

This practice stems from lessons I learned while serving decades in prison, particularly from reading Dante’s Divine Comedy. In Dante’s journey, he begins in a dark forest, pursued by three beasts—symbols of the struggles we all face. His only way forward is through the circles of hell, where he observes the suffering of others and reflects on the decisions that led them there. That story helped me recognize the value of deep self-examination.

Like Dante, I began reviewing my own decisions—not as a way to dwell on mistakes, but as a way to learn and grow. That practice continues today. Monthly and quarterly reflections give me clarity, ensuring that I’m still moving toward my goals, whether in health, fitness, finance, or intellectual growth.

The Science of Progress

This approach aligns with what I learned from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. He demonstrated that optimal experiences happen when we pursue meaningful challenges with intention. When we set clear goals, track our progress, and make adjustments, we experience deep engagement and fulfillment.

I also built this practice into Module Six of the Straight-A Guide, a course I created to help other people in crisis reach their highest potential. I based each lesson on the strategies I learned from leaders. In Module Six, I emphasize Accountability—because as Peter Drucker said, “What gets measured gets managed.” If we don’t track our progress, we can’t know if we’re moving in the right direction.

January Progress Toward 25 in 2025

1. Running 2,500 Miles in 2025

  • January Total: 210+ miles
  • Goal: Average of 208.34 miles per month
  • Status: On track

I ran more miles in January than in any month over the past several years. Some days, I ran 11+ miles, and on a couple of occasions, I exceeded 13 miles. These long runs are preparing me to complete my 25-mile run goal later this year.

2. Running a 25-Mile Distance

  • Status: In progress
  • Key Achievement: Several long-distance runs of 11+ and 13+ miles

By gradually increasing my endurance, I am positioning myself to complete a full 25-mile run in a single day.

3. Accumulate 25 Bitcoins

  • January Total: Purchased 4 additional Bitcoins
  • Total Holdings: 21 BTC (at an average price of ~$75,000)
  • Status: On track

With the sale of my personal residence in January, I acquired 4 more Bitcoins to lift our total to 21 Bitcoins. I purchased the four Bitcoins in January at an average cost of less than $98,000 each. To reach my goal of 25 BTC by year-end, I will need to purchase 4 more Bitcoin, but success will depend on the performance of my other income ventures. Step by step.

4. Publishing 25 Book Reviews

I am nearly finished reading The Coming Wave, which will be the third review for the year. At this pace, I am well-positioned to meet my goal of 25 book reviews in 2025.

5. Lose 25 Pounds (Target Weight: 172 lbs)

  • January Weight: 189 lbs (down from 197 lbs)
  • Goal: 172 lbs by year-end
  • Status: On track

Since I ran more than 200 miles in January, I expected my weight to drop further. This signals that I may need to adjust my diet in February to accelerate my progress.

Lessons from January & Adjustments for February

  1. Momentum Matters
    • Progress is happening, but I must maintain focus and stay disciplined to sustain it.
  2. Fine-Tuning My Approach
    • My weight loss did not reach my expectations, despite high activity. I will modify my diet in February.
  3. Investing with Patience
    • Bitcoin acquisition remains a priority, but I must strategically balance investments and income streams.
  4. Staying Accountable
    • Publishing my daily accountability logs keeps me on track and ensures transparency.

The Power of Reflection

These monthly reflections keep me aligned with my long-term goals. Reviewing past decisions, adjusting my approach, and committing to deliberate action has been a proven success strategy—whether in prison, in business, or in life.

I encourage everyone to adopt this practice. By tracking progress, making intentional decisions, and committing to lifelong growth, we build confidence, resilience, and the ability to overcome any challenge.

Self-Directed Learning Question:

  • How often do you review your progress toward long-term goals? What adjustments can you make today to ensure success in the months ahead?